Myers Briggs Personality Test - ENTJ

Myers Briggs Personality Test - ENTJ


ENTJ: Extroversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging

ENTJs are generally organized, decisive, direct, innovative, and driven to succeed. They maintain a focus on the future and are inclined to see the big picture. They are interested in new ideas and are able to understand difficult or complex information. The ENTJ also tends to intuitively identify and internally evaluate a wide range of possibilities. They are able to see what is not currently apparent and use their insight to create connections, identify solutions, or solve problems. ENTJs often enjoy interacting with others and usually know a large number of people. They tend to be energetic, confident, and exhibit a strong or intense personality that may overwhelm others. They place an importance on honesty and value being perceived as competent. Some ENTJs may be distant and unfriendly while others are approachable and sensitive. The difference in disposition is often due to the time they take to reflect on their inner thoughts and ideas. The ENTJ often has a natural inclination towards leadership. They typically want to feel in control or be in a position of influence. They are generally hard working, embrace a challenge, and have high standards. They tend to see the flaws of an inefficient system and will identify a more effective way to complete a task or handle a situation. The ENTJ is often able to take complex ideas or future possibilities and create a vision and corresponding plan. They will then organize and direct people, situations, and resources to meet these goals. ENTJs are often focused on the task and may neglect to consider the needs of the people they are organizing. They may also struggle when working with people who do not have similar strengths.

ENTJs typically use a logical and objective approach to analyze information and ideas. They are not overly interested in specific facts or details and would rather focus on the big picture. They desire to create closure by making quick judgments and decisions. They often base their decisions on logic and rarely consider their values, feelings, or the potential impact on others. Some ENTJs should be cautious that they have gathered sufficient information to make their decision. The ENTJ may struggle with judging others or being critical. They should be cautious that they separate their criticism from the person and focus on the issue or action. They may feel emotionally connected to people or ideas but will usually suppress or hide these feelings. The ENTJ will often care a lot for others but may create the perception that they are distant and hardhearted because of their rational and logical decisions.


On a team, the ENTJ will often…

  • Maintain an organized approach that focuses on the goal
  • Reliably complete all assigned tasks
  • Infuse group projects with energy
  • Present ideas with a direct and straightforward approach
  • Desire to work alongside other competent and dedicated individuals
  • Be interested in teamwork when it results in the efficient achievement of goals On a team, the ENTJ should be aware that they may…
  • Need to limit the amount that they direct and control others
  • Present theoretical or abstract information that may confuse some group members
  • Benefit from further developing their interpersonal skills
  • Become frustrated with spending additional time gaining consensus from the group
  • Frustrate team members by being too controlling or requiring the immediate completion of tasks
  • Feel irritated with group members that are uncommitted, deviate from the goal, continue to discuss an area that has been decided, or inefficiently use their time and resources


    The ENTJ likely experiences a natural inclination for leadership. As a leader, the ENTJ will often…

  • Excel at organizing people and situations to achieve results
  • Use a direct and upfront management approach
  • See the overall picture and create a vision for others to follow
  • Motivate people to meet the identified goals and objectives
  • Surround themselves with people who replicate their own strengths and weaknesses
  • Benefit from being open to hearing input from all individuals and considering others’ views
  • Need to recognize the small contributions that individuals make throughout a project